LET NATURE BE YOUR MEDICINE: 5 Ways Spending Quality Time in Nature Can Improve Your Health

I’ve struggled with psoriasis since I was 10 years old. Over the past few years I’ve taken a deep dive into root cause healing and have made some important changes to manage and heal my psoriasis naturally. Those include diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

A cornerstone to my healing has been intentional and consistent quiet time in nature.  During this quiet time I'm able to de-stress, refocus, connect with God, and focus on breathing.  Each of these have a powerful effect on root cause healing.

First, let’s start with 5 ways that time in nature can improve overall health:

1. Reduces Stress and Fatigue

Spending time in nature, especially forests, has been systematically reviewed to provide physical and psychological benefits, including reduced stress and fatigue. Engaging in forest therapy, which involves immersing oneself in a forest environment, has shown to impact various health outcomes positively, such as reducing stress hormones and improving mood (Ikei et al., 2017).

2. Enhances Mental Well-being

Nature has a profound impact on mental health, providing a serene environment that can alleviate mental disturbances like anxiety and depression. A study found that students who spent more time in nature during the COVID-19 pandemic experienced enhanced subjective well-being, regardless of their nature-related personality traits (Capaldi et al., 2022).

3. Boosts Immune Function

The practice of forest therapy has been associated with improved immune function, which is crucial for defending the body against diseases and infections. The natural environment of forests, with its unique air quality and visual stimuli, can enhance the body's natural defense mechanisms by modulating immune function (Ikei et al., 2017).

4. Improves Sleep Quality

Engaging in activities in natural outdoor environments (NOEs) can contribute to improved sleep quality by promoting relaxation and mental tranquility. The tranquility and serenity offered by nature can help regulate sleep patterns and improve overall sleep quality, which is vital for physical health and cognitive function (Capaldi et al., 2022).

5. Enhances Focus and Creativity

Nature has the incredible ability to refresh our minds, enhance focus, and spur creativity. The peaceful and undisturbed environment allows for introspection and can spark innovative ideas. The calmness and visual beauty of nature scenes can rejuvenate the mind, providing a mental clarity that may enhance creative thinking and problem-solving skills (Ikei et al., 2017).

Engaging Mindfully with Nature and Meditation

The kind of quiet time I’m talking about isn’t just taking a walk in nature. It’s more intentional than that, and actually takes a little practice. It’s designed to be a true time of self reflection. It may sounds a little cheesy, but the difference is critical. Below are a few tips to help you get the most out of some dedicated quiet time in nature:

A. Mindful Walking

  • Begin your solitude by immersing yourself in a mindful walk, allowing the natural world to envelop your senses.

  • Pay attention to each step, noticing the texture beneath your feet, the sounds around you, and the scent carried by the breeze.

  • Allow your mind to gently settle into the present moment, letting go of external worries and thoughts.

B. Observation and Awareness

  • Choose a comfortable spot to sit or lay down, and simply observe the world around you.

  • Notice the colors, movements, and patterns in nature, from the rustling leaves to the gentle flow of water.

  • Allow your mind to wander without judgment, embracing the sights and sounds without attachment.

C. Nature Meditation

  • Transition into a meditative state by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. Breath in your nose and out your mouth.

  • Allow the natural sounds to become a focal point, guiding your meditation and keeping you anchored in the present.

  • If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath and the ambient sounds of nature.

D. Spirit

  • Spend some time praying.

  • Be still and listen for God to speak.

. E. Expressing Your Experience

  • With a journal and pen, begin to express your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment or expectation.

  • You might write about your observations, emotions, or any insights that arose during your meditation.

F. Reflecting on the Experience

  • Take a moment to ponder on your written words, recognizing any patterns, surprises, or revelations.

  • Consider how the solitude in nature made you feel and whether it brought about a shift in your emotional or mental state.

A DOWNLOADABLE Quiet Time Worksheet

To help you structure your quiet time I’ve created a downloadable QUIET TIME JOURNAL that you can print and take with you. It lists several questions and exercises to help you get started. Don’t feel like you need to complete the entire journal in one quiet time. You may only answer one question. It’s not a quiz, but just a set of prompts to help you focus.


  1. The physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing): evidence from field experiments in 24 forests across Japan

  2. Nature and Subjective Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Nature-Related Personality Traits

Creek Stewart2 Comments