Wednesday 9/27/23 8pm-10pm EST: Live Workshop: Outline your own "HOW TO" Book (ZOOM)

Wednesday 9/27/23 8pm-10pm EST: Live Workshop: Outline your own "HOW TO" Book (ZOOM)



Finally write your own “HOW TO” Book!

One of my preparedness strategies is to build multiple streams of income.  I can't tell you how many times this has proven to be a good idea - especially when our country was shut down not long ago during the pandemic.

One of these income streams comes from writing short and concise HOW TO books on subjects I love.  From HOW TO BUILD A BUG OUT VEST to HOW TO DISAPPEAR IN THE WOODS, I've written dozens of short HOW TO books over the past 5 years.  When I get in the mood, I can write one of them from start to finish in under 2 weeks just by writing just a few minutes each morning. (I'll tell you the secret below.)

I believe EVERYONE has a HOW TO book just waiting to be written and sold - even you...

Customers love short and simple HOW TO books because they deliver results - they solve a problem, answer a question, or teach something interesting.  These books are not complicated.  They are simply step-by-step manuals, oftentimes with photos.

The KEY to writing one of these is organizing the book OUTLINE (and understanding a few basic ground rules).  The outline is actually the ONE STEP that prevents most people from writing a book.  I've developed a system of outlining where the book practically writes itself!

I will be hosting a LIVE WORKSHOP and personally working with 20 people to help them OUTLINE their own HOW TO BOOK on a subject they are passionate about.  You don't have to be a survival expert!  From insurance and dog training to meal planning and raising kids, there are tens of 1000s of HOW TO subjects out there.  ANYONE can write a HOW TO book - including YOU!

Below is how we will accomplish that together:

Here's how we will do that:

  • I'm going to personally help you choose a HOW TO book topic based on your talent, passion, and skills. (This is the key to making the writing part EASY!)

  • I'll share with you my HOW TO BOOK rules. These rules will save you time, hassle, and money. These are especially important for 1st time authors.

  • I'll share my "WORKING BACKWARDS" Outlining System that I've honed over the past 10 years of writing HOW TO books. This is the system we will use to break down your book subject into clear and concise chapters.

  • We will spend the bulk of our time working together to outline every aspect of your HOW TO book, including BOOK TITLE, CHAPTER TITLES, PHOTOS NEEDED, RESOURCE SECTIONS, and NEXT STEPS.

  • LIVE FEEDBACK & Q & A: Time will be set aside for me to review and provide feedback on your outline if needed!

  • BONUS: I'll detail the numerous ways to use your HOW TO book to build authority in your market, reach more customers, make extra income, build your email list, get free publicity, and more.

  • BONUS: And, I'll point you in the right direction for making your book available in DIGITAL and PRINT versions once it is finished. Setting up a book on Amazon these days has never been easier!

!!NEW!! : There have been some pretty incredible recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence writing tools such as CHAT gpt. I’ll teach you how to use these tools to overcome writers block. AI won’t be writing your book but you can use it as a tool to help you get your thoughts and expertise on paper! I’ll teach you how in this workshop.

Just a few weeks after one of these workshops, I received the following email from Scott!

"I followed your system exactly as you taught it...and it worked!  I honestly never thought in a million years that I could write a book!"

- Scott R. NEW Author of How to Build Your Perfect Ham Radio Go Kit:

And then there is Hutch Hutchings from Colorado. Hutch wrote an awesome book about making glue from animal hides that is now on Amazon here:


“Creek delivers another power packed workshop that goes above and beyond expectation! No fluff, just straight to it with practical exercises that have our books already with everything we need to have a completed book within 30 days!! The promise he makes he delivers in spades!! 5 star course!!”

- Frank Grindrod, Earthwork Programs

The most surprising thing to me about this workshop was how close a person could already be to publishing their own book.  I am not saying it is 'easy', but that the resources available are much more prevelant than I imagined.  That, in and of itself, is highly motivational.  And with Creek instructing the workshop on a personal level, it simply multiplies that motivation.  Highly recommended, and worth the investment.”

- Troy Gardenhour

“This workshop was just what I needed.  I was able to take one idea, organize the steps, and begin writing.  Creek's training is clear, concise, and I'll be able to apply this technique in other areas especially the blog I've been planning to create.  This is well worth your time. I highly recommend.”

- Mary Kay

“I know outlines are good for doing anything but breaking it all down to small bits and pieces makes it a more enjoyable experience, I'm already thinking of my second book after I finish the first.”

- Maverick

“Want to get the book you've carried in your head for years half-done in three hours?  Don't pass Go, don't collect $200.  Just take Creek's class.  With a few brilliant parameters, Creek makes it so easy, fast and breathtakingly crystal clear.  No matter how little writing experience you have, or how much - I'm an award-winning television writer - this class gives you exactly what you need.  its genius is providing a few very straightforward tools, while avoiding all the traps that overwhelm us, to get your book done. “

- Frank K., Award Winning Television Writer

“Loved the workshop, and in particular the ground rule of "if you need to research the subject, its the wrong subject,  its got to be something you know" 

 I would highly recommend this workshop, It was money well spent,  Creek Stewarts step by step process  provides a clarity of purpose and Creeks interaction with the group was both fun and instructional. “

-Sid R.

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