Mora 511 Tactical Kydex Multi-Sheath (Exclusive)

Mora 511 Tactical Kydex Multi-Sheath (Exclusive)

from $22.95

The Mora 511 is one of the best value camp knives available in the world today. It’s made in Sweden by Morakniv company and at under $15 you won’t find a better knife for the money. It also happens to be a rock solid tool. I’ve used the same Mora 511 for years.

The only drawback is the plastic factory sheath. I offer a leather upgrade sheath to the ora 511 here: But, I also occasionally have the need for a sheath that can be lashed to a pack or worn in a different way.

Introducing the Mora 511 Tactical Custom Kydex Multi-Sheath. This is the perfect additional to offer even more options to your Mora 511. Not only is this a TOP SHELF quality kydex sheath that fits the 511 like a glove but it is designed to be carry your 511 in numerous ways.

You can now carry your 511:

  • Lashed to a MOLLE web ladder system

  • Worn as a neck knife with the addition of a paracord lanyard

  • Tucked in a pocket or in your pack

This sheath is subtly laser engraved with the ThunderCrow logo and also has a drain hole drilled at the tip to seep away moisture in bad weather. Each sheath is hand-crafted and boned to a 511 for a perfect fit.

Bottom line, the Mora 511 Tactical Multi-Sheath opens up a wide range of carry options for one of the worlds most popular camp knives.

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